Medical Malpractice Question (Answered on

Medical Malpractice Question (Answered on

Do I have a lawsuit: I just had my baby a few days ago, the labor and delivery went perfectly until my doctor started pulling on my umbilical cord to remove my placenta less than 3 minutes after I birthed my son, it started hurting terribly and I screamed for her to stop multiple times and she only said it has to be done, I felt it tear loose, she caused me to have a fully introverted uterus, pulled it all out completely, and then could not get it placed back in, another doctor had to come in and do it, I went into shock for a short time and had to receive 2 bags of blood

Bradley’s answer: I’m sorry for your difficulties. You will need to get your medical records and consult with a medical malpractice attorney to get a good opinion on the value of your case. Based on your description, I will tell you that if you have recovered and the actions of the doctor did not cause permanent damage, it will be difficult to find enough damages to justify the legal and expert medical costs.