Does Lack of Insurance Prevent a Claim on a Negligent Driver? (Answered on

Does Lack of Insurance Prevent a Claim on a Negligent Driver? (Answered on

Auto accident… Hit by lapsed: I was at a green light,but had to yield for oncoming traffic because our green arrow to turn didn’t come on.while at the light a man in a truck thought traffic was moving on our side and hit me in the rear bumper,causing noticeable damage. He gave me his name and insurance information. But I found out my insurance had lapsed. Am I still able to turn the accident in to his insurance company for repairs since it was his fault?

Bradley’s answer: Yes. Make a claim on his insurance company for the vehicle damage. Whether or not you have insurance does not effect whether or not the other driver was negligent or you were contributorily negligent. If you think that the value the insurance company offers for the property damage is wrong, or if you suffer personal injury. You should contact an attorney.