Medical Malpractice pays well–for insurance companies
This article from the N&O up in the big city of Raleigh (motto: Where Barney Fife goes to Party), is just one piece of evidence that any medical malpractice "crises" is simply not accurate. First, consider that North Carolina has mostly resisted the radical "tort reform" wave that is sweeping the county. Despite that, the article reports how the largest medical malpractice insurance carrier in North Carolina made enough money that it was paying a three million dollar dividend back to its doctors. So the insurance company was overcharging the doctors and then convincing them it was frivolous medical malpractice suits that were driving up the cost. The doctors then unwittingly lobby for tort reform that ultimately helps the insurance company bottom line. Hopefully the fact that the insurance company is paying the doctors back means that they are beginning to figure out the scam.